Along with the fines, Lansing probation, and up to one year in jail, if you are under the age of 18 and are arrested for Lansing DUI or possession of Lansing marijuana or other illegal drugs in Lansing, you'll also be subject to automatic driver's license suspension - whether you were driving or not. This suspension can last one to five years
Lansing Wise Laws offer the skill and dedication to obtain favorable results for clients facing Lansing minor in possession (MIP) charges, as well as other alcohol and drug crimes. We use our extensive experience with the criminal justice system throughout America to protect our clients' rights and preserve their promising futures.
If you or a son or daughter faces Lansing MI criminal charges for Lansing teenage drinking, teenage driving or Lansing drug crimes, call our offices 800-270-8184, or contact us online soon as possible.
Most Lansing Michigan juveniles and parents are not aware of Lansing underage drinking laws and how they apply. In general, any minor can be arrested for Lansing MIP whether they are in actual possession of alcohol or drugs, or not. Anything from the presence of alcohol or a controlled substance in their body, to exhibiting the signs of being under the influence or even being a situation where alcohol is present can result in Lansing MI MIP charges. MIP (between the ages of 13 and 20) is a gross misdemeanor punishable by:
A violation of underage drinking laws, a youthful indiscretion such as Lansing MI drug possession or distribution or any arrest of a minor can also impact admission to college, qualifying for financial aid, or finding a job or place to live. Multiple offenses, or more serious charges such as Lansing vehicular homicide involving alcohol can result in felony charges and even worse consequences such as lengthy prison terms.